Competency Based Curriculum (CBC)
A Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is a framework or guide in the form of a course design, for a particular field or occupation. It is combination of series of modules that are developed based on National Competency Standards (NCS) with corresponding learning outcomes, assessment criteria, contents, learning conditions, instructional methodologies and assessment methods.
The CBC shall specify the outcomes, which are consistent with the requirements of the workplace as agreed through consultations with the field experts from industry or training institutes. The CBC should cover the scopes beyond the requirement of NCS, therefore addressing the industry requirement.
There are three main components for CBC:
a) Competency profile
b) Course information
c) Module information
It is a curriculum framework with the list of the competency areas and sub-competency areas with associate competencies/tasks needed for analysing task and designing curriculum for effectual training and learning process.
It gives an overall information about the course. It consists of the following main components:
Course title
Course description
Nominal course duration
Trainer to Trainee ratio
Entry requirement
Course objectives
Course structure
Course delivery
Trainer qualification
Assessment and Certification
The CBC shall consist of several modules to form a complete package of curriculum. Modules in each curriculum are self-contained and the training shall be undertaken separately to ensure acquisition of skills, knowledge and attitude needed to perform the activity under employment conditions. Each module shall represent a certifiable part of a job. However, eligibility for National Certification shall require the completion of all modules within the skill area. Each module of CBC consists of the following main components:
Competency Area
Module Title
Module Code
Module description
Certificate Level
Nominal Duration
Learning Outcomes
Assessment criteria
Learning condition
Instructional methodologies
Method of Assessment